4th Sunday of lent; Who is responsible for Corona?

As I sit in Self Isolation, following the instruction of local civil and ecclesiastical authorities after celebrating personal mass and reflecting on the Gospel of Jesus healing the blind man these thoughts flow through my mind.
First question is ‘Who is responsible for this chaos?’ That is the natural reaction. Who is responsible? Whom to blame? We want someone to be a scapegoat? Read today’s gospel John 9:2 “Rabbi, who sinned? Who is responsible for his blindness? It’s our natural instinct to find somebody to blame and someone to take responsibility for our predicament. So many people are dying, so much loss to our economy? We are asked to sacrifice our normal life, we are asked to make enormous economic sacrifice intended to contain the virus. I need to find out who is responsible for this. That is what I was doing for the past three days trying to google-search and find about the origin of this pandemic.
But Jesus in the gospel today John 9:3 gave me jolt. He says don’t think about who is responsible, but think of what it means for you and for the world. God wants to teach something to the world. Jesus says referring to the blind man and the cause of it, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned (responsible); he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him.” It tells me don’t blame others, but God wants to teach a lesson for you. We live in a world where we don’t need God, we love our holidays; we love our personal life and goals more than god and his plan. So we have put God out of our homes, out of our priorities. May be God is trying to tell us what will be our situation if he leaves us. Read so many psalms that say what will be our life it he leaves us. Look at Jeremiah 8:15 “We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there is only terror. Is it not our feeling today? We look for healing (for a vaccine) but no good came.
Whom to blame now? Is it China or bats that has led to the pandemic spread of the pathogen.( https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/19/health/coronavirus-human-actions-intl/index.html) or our own travelling without discretion? Each one has some-one to put our finger at and blame. But does it not tell that somewhere we missed something/ someone basic to our life and survival. Is it not a call to come back to that source of life? Blind man took time to realize to see the one who matters most, but Pharisees preferred to remain blind. Challenge for the world today is to realize what this pandemic means for them? Is it another threat that passes away or that which calls us to wake up and come closer to Him who can protect us. It is time to reflect and see.

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