Solemnity of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary

One day a woman was praying all alone in our Lady’s chapel and there was another man on the scaffolding above the cross repairing the roof. When he saw the woman alone praying, he wanted to have some fun. He hid behind the pillar and called the woman saying, “Woman… this is Jesus calling.” She didn’t respond, so he raised his voice a bit and said, “Woman… this is Jesus calling.” Again the woman kept silent. He called out loudly this time, “Woman….this is Jesus Calling.” Now she turned her head towards the cross and said, “Hush!!! Jesus, I am talking to your mother.”

People often accuse Catholics of saying we are so obsessed with Mary and give too much importance to mother Mary even at the cost of neglecting Jesus. Why so many feasts? Solemnities? Are they necessary? I say “Yes!” We Catholics by including Mary in our faith and proclamation are telling the full story of salvation. What do we mean?

If Jesus is the new Adam, then Mary is the new Eve. If Eve was involved in the fall of Man in the Old Testament, she has to be involved in the redemption of men as well in the New Testament. God himself foretold this to the serpent.

I shall put enmity between you and the woman, your offspring and her offspring, He will crush your head and you will strike at her heal, Gen. 3/15 God himself foretold that a woman also will be involved in the redemption of men. Who was that “woman”? It was mother Mary herself. Jesus confirms this himself at the wedding at Cana. He calls her “Woman” instead of Mother. And at the foot of the cross again he refers to her as “Woman”.

As the first Eve lead first Adam to sin, the second Eve lead second Adam Jesus to Redemption. At the wedding at Cana, When Jesus said, “My time has not yet come!” Mary said to the servants “Do as he tells you!” Its indirectly telling Jesus, “Now your time has come, begin the work of Redemption.” As the first Eve was at the foot of the tree that brought curse and death, Mary the second Eve was at the foot of the cross, the tree of life that brought forgiveness and redemption.

You cannot think of the fall of man without Eve, so also you cannot think of the redemption of man without Mary. God involved her as well. That is the full story of redemption we Catholics try to tell. That is the full story we want to tell today. That Mary after playing her role perfectly as co-Redemptrix was assumed body and soul into heaven to enjoy the redemption won by her son. It is for this she prayed, it is for this she offered herself. And it is for this grace we hope and pray. Mary who assumed into heaven is our assurance and hope. Amen


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